You Are So Sweet

What is this fascination that Americans seem have with sugar? Everything has to contain sugar or it isn’t worth consuming.
Start with diet programs. Most of these diets going around to lose weight start with drinking super-sweet diet shakes, usually chocolate.  They want you to drink one of those in place of a meal and in place of all snacks

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This morning, I was scrolling a bit on Facebook and began to reminisce. I saw a post for a group I belong to called Knoxville Eats. Apparently, this poster gets together with her siblings and they make lists of what each person, parents included, will prepare and bring to their Thanksgiving celebration. I thought back to when my grandmother was alive and we had big family holiday dinners

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Comment on Hate Cannot Abide by M.J. Haynes

Loved reading this

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Comment on Giving Thanks? by M.J. Haynes

Great article

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Hate Cannot Abide

Anyone who has known me for any length of time knows I can be very sensitive. I do not cuss and do not watch movies and television programs with excessive cussing and violence. In fact, I have had some friends dub me their moral compass. I have had one friend who cusses in every sentence make an apology as I walk into the room where he has just uttered some profane words

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Comment on Your Greatest Weapon by Hate Cannot Abide – Unfrankfully Yours,

[…] last year, I wrote the blog post Your Greatest Weapon. I related a story I once saw in a television program depicting that when you know yourself, you […] LikeLike

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Giving Thanks?

Next month, the month we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States, people will begin posting one thing every day that they are thankful for. This is an easy task. For the most part, you can just look around you and name one person or one item you see and be thankful for that. The hard part is being grateful for those same things all year long

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Hand-In-Hand, We Fight On

I have been wanting to post a new Ménière’s disease video for sometime, however, the pure nature of this beast has prevented my making the next video in the series. I woke this morning after overdoing it yesterday and feel wretched, so, of course, will not get to do a video. However, commenting on various threads in some of the Ménière’s support groups on Facebook has led me to this article.
So often when we go through our bouts, we feel completely alone

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You Are Still Here

There are times when people will come to visit me and days later, I can still feel their energy. This is not a negative thing, but then again, sometimes it can be.
Let me back up a bit. Every living thing emits energy

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Clash Of The Americans

For many months now, I have remained virtually silent regarding the current political climate in the country I call home. This is not out of ignorance, neither is it some sort of sheepish action. I have had my television on and seen the program interruptions brought about by the state of affairs. I have seen the social media posts filled with memes and videos

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